How to Dress Well When Meeting Women

If you want to meet women, you must have your own sense of style and dress well.

He was in good shape. He wasn’t unattractive. He was probably above average. But the way he dressed turned women off right away.

I swear his mother bought most of his clothes for him when he was in high school. Everything was stretched out and didn’t fit. He claimed to have gotten his T-shirts for free at work events, and it showed. Nothing is worse than work event T-shirts. A work event T-shirt is typically available in one size, extra-large. It’s designed to fit no one except the guy who spends far too much time at Subway!

It’s never a good look. It never fits properly. However, men are so cheap when it comes to dressing that they ruin their chances with women before they even approach them.

Guys, style is everything. It is critical to look good. I couldn’t care less where you’re from. I don’t care if you live in Oklahoma and want to dress like a cowboy, if you live in New York City and prefer to wear black all the time, or if you live in Los Angeles and prefer the surfer look.

Wherever you are, you should pay close attention to the fashion that is popular in your area, because it varies. If you’ve ever seen how Japanese men dress, you’ll understand. They dress to the nines every day, in colours and fabrics that we don’t even see in the United States.

New Yorkers dress very differently than Los Angeles residents.

I can’t tell you what’s best for you individually. Everything boils down to where you live.

When I go to Europe, I can’t believe how many men still wear cargo pants. Nonetheless, it appears to be ‘in’. Men in Austria and Germany will be dressed in Abercrombie and Fitch cargo pants, which appear to be the rage.

So here are a few quick tips on how to dress well when meeting women.

1. Bring a Girl With You

When in doubt, take a hot girl shopping with you. She’ll tell you exactly what’s in, what looks good, and what looks good on you because that’s who we’re dressing for in the first place.

2. Never Believe The Saleswoman

The saleswoman is paid on commission. She’ll tell you anything and everything. What you want to do is approach the salesgirl and strike up a conversation with her. You can tell her truthfully that you want to change your wardrobe.

It’s also a great way to practise flirting, and it’s cool to be her reclamation project. That way, she’ll give you the option of buying or walking away.


3. Examine The Dummy

Shops spend thousands of dollars hiring experts to dress their dummies. If you want a well-put-together outfit that looks good, have the shop girls get the dummy’s outfit for you. It matches, looks good, and works well together.

Guys, first impressions are everything, and you never get a second chance to make a good one.

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