The Best Way to Get a Girl’s Phone Number

How many of you get nervous just thinking about asking a girl out?

I remember when I used to ask a girl out and my lips would literally quiver. I probably did the same thing you guys do when I was 23 and living in New York City.

“Today is going to be the day I go ask out the most beautiful girl I talk to,” you always tell yourself.

You almost put yourself to the test. Then, as the day progresses and you begin to talk to girls, you do not ask any of them out. You sometimes just plain chicken out and don’t even talk to them.

Everything changed for me one day. It was the summer, just before my birthday. I was about to turn thirty.

I was tired and frustrated I was letting girls I was attracted to walk by me. It’s not like I’m not getting dates. I just wasn’t dating the people I wanted to. So that day, I resolved to make a change.

I decided to flirt with the first girl I saw the moment I stepped out of my flat. I was not only going to flirt with her, but I was also going to ask her out. I was just going to go ahead and do it and see what happened. As I exited onto 80th Street, I turned right to Broadway, which is two blocks away.

As I walked down 88th Street, I noticed the usual homeless people, crazy people, and no girls. I was relieved because I didn’t have to do it right away. She was walking to H&H Bagels on the corner of 80th and Broadway. An absolutely stunning, tall, gorgeous blond with an incredible figure. She had no choice but to become a model. She was 5’10” tall and absolutely stunning. She walked away from the bagel shop. I was thinking to myself…

“God, I hope she goes left or right, because I really don’t want to do this right now. She’s so stunning that there’s no way I’m going to be able to approach her and get her phone number as my first girl of the day.”

As fate would have it, she was walking straight towards me. I made a deal with myself that today would be the day that I would put an end to my crazy approach anxiety. This was going to be the day when I overcame all of my fears.

I became nervous as I got closer to her. I was desperate to do this because I was sick of living my life in my head. “What am I going to say?” I wondered as she approached me.

I noticed she was holding a bag. I knew she’d left the bagel shop. So I just said whatever came to mind first.

“Hey,” I said as I looked at her. Did you get me something to eat?

She burst out laughing. I burst out laughing. I couldn’t believe I said it. I was already on my way to the bagel shop. “Well, yeah, I got bagels, what do you like?” she says.

As a result, I went with it.

“Do you have sesame or a poppy?” I asked.

“I got sesame,” she declares.

She pulls out the bagel, and I decide to be brave.

“Do you have any cream cheese?” I inquired.

“Yes, I do,” she said, whipping out the cream cheese. I was starting to feel guilty at this point, so I told her I was going to the bagel shop anyway. “Hey, I’m going to the bagel shop right now; you don’t have to do this at all. I’ll go get myself a bagel.”

“No, I don’t want to.” She stated.

So we talked about nothing much; bagels and breakfast and what I was going to do that day, which was to go to the beach. At that point, I simply told myself, “I’m going to do it.”

“Let me take you out for a drink,” I said, looking her in the eyes.

I couldn’t believe it; my lip was quivering and my face was turning beet red. She was simply stunning. Do you remember what she said?

“I’d love that!” she said as she looked at me.

She scribbled her phone number on a serviette. I took that napkin, stuffed it in my pocket, and dashed home. That is something I recall. I remember that day like it was yesterday because it helped me overcome my apprehension. I realised that you don’t have to be suave to get the number; you just have to be authentic and genuine.

It will really help you figure out how to get a girl’s phone number.

What happened between me and her? I ended up going on dates with her and dating her for a few months. As a result, you never know who your next girlfriend will be.


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