The Meaning of Love Is Appreciation

Appreciation is expressed through love.

Your partner, your lover, invites you to dinner. Thank them, even if they’ve done it a thousand times.

They come home with flowers and a gift for you. Thank you.

They do something nice for you, such as make you breakfast or let you sleep in late. Thank you.

They take the kids to school so you can have an extra 20 minutes to yourself in the morning. Thank you.

Appreciation is the foundation of love. One of the lessons I teach my young daughter over and over is to simply say thank you and be grateful.

She is unquestionably spoiled.

She needs new things all the time.

Is it something I’ve done? Absolutely. Is her mother to blame? Absolutely.

I try and try again to say no. I try to do it and succeed for the most part.

But I also teach her to value things. She is aware when she is having her face painted. Thank you very much.

It’s even getting a bottle of water. Thank you very much.

Every day before going to bed, love is appreciating someone.

Thank you for being there for me.

Because when you truly have a great love relationship, you truly thank that person for being in your life every single day, and this is where the deeper version of thank you comes in.

You’re expressing gratitude for their presence in your life. Because they are an amazing person. For making your life a lot more loving and enjoyable.

Thank you for that. Every day, be completely grateful for the person you have in your life. Gratitude is a wonderful thing. So when you see the people that you love in your life, friends.



Your ladylove.

It’s your boyfriend.

Your youngsters.

I want you to be overwhelmed with gratitude for them. For the love they give you every day, as well as the love you share with them. They do strange things. You have these moments.

Because you never know when this journey of life will end, you must be grateful every single day.


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