Follow These Three Steps to Let Go and Find Love

I want you to think of dating and falling in love as surrendering and giving in.

You see, there are far too many people out there looking for love. There are numerous songs about it.

Looking for love in all the wrong places, as an old song goes.

There have been many books written; you must go hunting, looking for love. We must become more open.

And there is a wealth of information available via Google. But today I’m going to give you some advice, and it’s the only true advice you’ll ever need to find love.

The Power of Letting Go is what I call it.

When you truly let go, the universe will deliver the gift you’ve been waiting for, and you’ll recognise that person when they appear.

But letting go necessitates a few steps, which I’ll go over…

Step 1: Accept Your Lessons

You must accept all of the wonderful lessons that have been presented to you in the past.

All of the relationships that have deteriorated.

All of the heartbreak and disappointment.

You must let that go.

Those lessons came to you for one reason: so you could learn them, embrace them, step into the lesson, and then thank the person who brought you the incredible valuable lesson, allowing you to let go of your expectations and stories.

Which brings us to number two…

Step 2: Stories and Zero Expectations

When you let go, you have no expectations and no stories to tell.

You simply allow yourself to be the most authentic, loving, and vulnerable being possible.

When you embrace your true vulnerability, you embrace your true power. When you can literally let go of expectations, you’re entering your true authentic self.

You’re not considering what to say to someone because you have no expectation of a positive outcome.

When you meet someone, all you can think about is:

I have an opportunity to connect with someone with whom I have never previously connected.

I intend to take full advantage of this opportunity. I’m going to listen, I’m going to learn about this person, and I’m going to embrace the moment that the two of us have been given.

When you step into the moment that the two of you have been given, you are stepping into the time when you were meant to connect with the other like-minded soul.

When you let go of all expectations and stories and simply know who you truly are, you’ll be able to connect with someone on your level.

And this brings us to…

Step 3: Finding Your Equal

Once you embrace your lessons and lose your expectations and stories, you’re going to attract your equal.

Someone who literally wants to co-create with you on your love journey.

Someone who understands that love is the result of two like-minded souls coming together and literally walking into vulnerability hand in hand.

You two will literally create a safe space for people to be seen and heard without being judged. You will respect each other’s pasts as they have been presented to you. You will not pass judgement on each other based on your experiences or decisions. You’ll actually respect what happened and how that person became truly amazing.

You’ll also realise that there is no such thing as a perfect person; only your perfect person, the person with whom you can be radically imperfect on a daily basis, the person who will co-create and support you like no other.

When you meet that person, you will be able to raise each other to new levels of consciousness and living.

It’s the real reason we’re all here on this planet.

So, if you truly want to find true love, you must first embrace your true self.

Honor thyself so that others may honour you. Step into your true being, the true essence of who you are, and you will enter the relationship you will always desire.

When you step into that vulnerable consciousness and allow things to unfold, what happens next is a relationship far greater than anything you’ve ever crafted or imagined in your mind, because it will be based on equality, faithfulness, and the most beautiful thing that the two of you can build together.

In today’s modern dating world, dating is more competitive than it has ever been.

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