How to use the weather as a conversation starter

With a weather opener, most people will bore the hell out of others.

“Good day.”

Oh, you’re welcome for pointing out the obvious.

But I’m sure it won’t be boring if you don’t point out the obvious. It will be fascinating.

What if you used the weather as an intriguing opener?

Or as a starting point for a conversation.

I was driving back from the desert recently.

It was 72 degrees when I left.

I drove through a spectacular sandstorm.

It then began to rise in elevation, and it began to rain. Dropping 30 degrees in the course of a 20-minute drive.

The sun was shining and the temperature was 55 degrees as I resumed my drive towards Los Angeles.

Weather is an interesting topic because it is constantly changing.

So, instead of simply saying, what a great day out, you can say, man, what a great day. Can I just tell you how lovely it is to live in southern California?

“I was up at —” you see how you can tell the story from the other day.

What if you live in an area where the weather is unusually mild?

And you can look at someone and think, man, what a fantastic day. We got extremely lucky this winter. There was no snow. It was fantastic. How did you make the most of this exceptionally mild winter?

You can make use of those conversations in this manner.

But what is it about living in southern California that you enjoy the most?

If someone compliments you on what a beautiful day it is, you can respond, “that’s nothing, yesterday I was —” and use the same story as above.

Sharing and being inventive. Weather can be used as an opener when you share and get creative.

It’s not as boring as most people make it out to be.

Begin to be creative, and see what happens to your conversation.