The Most Effective Way To Meet Someone

This is for all you swipers, typers, and texters out there.

I have a word of caution for all of you online addicts. You all are app addicts.

I have some words of wisdom for you today, before you end up being an old man alone in diapers.

Every single one of the most important people I’ve met in the last year, the women with whom I’ve really connected and felt something strong and powerful, I met in person.

And the list goes on and on. Every single one of them was met with a lucky break.

That’s correct. The enchantment of boy meets girl.

Meet Someone and Make a Memory

For those of you who continue to deny the power of this; for those of you who continue to suffer from approach anxiety despite the fact that I have countless programmes showing you how to create that moment so you can have meaningful relationships in your life: You’re not going to happen upon a serendipitous moment while Tindering.



When you approach a woman as a man should, you look her in the eyes, as a powerful man should, and you speak words that come out of your mouth.

It’s not magic words, it’s not pick-up lines, it’s just words, confident words because you’re a confident guy.

A woman will look at you and think to herself, Oh my god, a real man is approaching me today. I’m curious to learn more about him. I can’t wait to find out what he’s thinking and saying.

The conversation continues, and after a few moments, the man looks at her and says, “You and I should connect again. Give me your phone number.”

That is the opinion of a powerful man. He does not consider what to say or how to say it. “Give me your number, I’d like to take you out sometime,” he simply says.

He expresses his intentions. “Hey, why don’t you give me your Facebook so we can become friends and friendzone each other?” he doesn’t say.

He doesn’t say to her, “Hey, why don’t I meet you on Bumble or Tinder so we can make it an un-serendipitous moment?”

meet someone face to face

“I don’t want to be an old man in diapers swiping and typing,” he says to her. I’d prefer to be able to take you out right now. I’d rather have you do it for me when I’m old and in diapers and typing and drooling and the nurses need to wipe my butt and wipe the drool from my mouth. You see, this coincidental moment we’re creating right now will allow both of us to be in diapers at the same time.”

Isn’t it more fun to be in diapers with someone you once thought was the most beautiful woman in the world? Wouldn’t it be great to look at this woman dressed in diapers, and you think to yourself, she’s still the beautiful girl in the world?

Because you created moments, magic, and memories together. You and your partner built a life together. But no, all you typers and swipers are going to end up in Depends, adult disposable diapers.

Overcome Approach Anxiety

So, today, I strongly advise you to:

A. somebody you can grow old with.

Or B. You just keep sitting on the Internet and living in a virtual world. Being alone.

Because I have a message for you, gentlemen: approach, the women are waiting. They’re waiting for the serendipitous moment that only a man approaching can create.

The future is entirely yours. As you get older, you’ll be in diapers together, cuddling, hanging out in your Depends, and watching Golden Girls reruns.

It’s lovely as you sit there holding each other’s hands and feeding each other Melba toast.

You can also be in diapers by yourself. It’s entirely up to you. Hopefully, this image scared the crap out of you and inspired you to make the necessary changes.

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