5 Reasons Why the Holiday Season Is the Best Time to Meet Someone

During the holiday season, I receive more emails than at any other time of year. What fascinates me about those emails is that the vast majority of them are from people who claim that the holiday season makes them feel especially down and discouraged about their dating life.

During the holiday season, a large number of single people are unhappy. But I have to tell you that I feel exactly the opposite way about being single and meeting someone during the holidays.

I find the holiday season to be a great time to meet someone, because people are very vulnerable during the holidays. What I mean by vulnerable is that people are more open to meeting someone than usual because the holiday season makes them more aware of what is going on in their lives.

So I want to help everyone see the holiday season as I do, as the best time of year to meet someone. Here are five reasons why the holiday season is the best time of year to meet someone, as well as some holiday meeting tips:

People have completed their year-end inventory: Most people have already taken stock of their year by the time the holiday season arrives. The end of the year is a good time to look back. You consider what has happened in your life. You think back on the people you’ve dated in the last year, or the people you haven’t dated in the last year.

You might reflect on some of your dating “near misses” or people you met but didn’t end up connecting with.

Many people are more vulnerable at this time of year because they do not want to spend the holidays alone. Because of this vulnerability, many people will be friendlier during this time of year if you try to engage them in conversation.

The holiday season includes several back-to-back holidays, and people don’t want to spend even one holiday alone, let alone two. So, keep in mind how people are feeling during the holiday season and begin to be a little friendlier.

You Can Go Christmas Shopping Every Day: As you’re probably aware, the Christmas shopping season seems to start before we’ve even taken our pumpkins off the porch, which means there are plenty of opportunities to go Christmas shopping. During the holiday season, you can go Christmas shopping every day (whether you are looking for Christmas presents or not). Going Christmas shopping and getting opinions is one of my favorite ways to meet people during the holidays.

This is the one time of year when you can go into and wander around stores where you would normally feel uncomfortable.

If you’re a man, you can go into the women’s department and ask for advice on a gift for your sister. If you are a woman, you can do the same thing by going into the men’s department and asking for opinions on a gift for your brother.

Go into stores and departments where there are many things to ask people’s opinions on and questions to ask. It’s a very simple way to start a conversation. By taking or pointing out an item in a store and saying, “Excuse me, I am shopping for my boss,” you can start a conversation with almost anyone. What are your thoughts on this?” It’s a great and simple way to communicate with someone.

People Are More Open: I’ve noticed that during the holiday season, people are more open to giving someone of the opposite sex a chance who they might not be open to the rest of the year. Throughout the rest of the year, many people will not give someone a chance if they are not overly attracted to them or if they believe they have plenty of opportunities to meet other people.

People become more open and willing to date people they would not otherwise date as winter approaches, especially during the holiday season. This is yet another reason why this time of year is ideal for meeting new people. Every day of the season, you can take advantage of all the people who are much more open, and have so many more potential connections right next to you.

Nobody Wants To Be Alone On New Year’s Eve: We’ve all been to New Year’s Eve parties where we had to sit through the 5-4-3-2-1 countdown without a kiss at midnight. It’s not enjoyable. Nobody wants to be alone on New Year’s Eve. As a result, there are many people looking to meet someone in time for New Year’s Eve. So, how are you going to meet all of these people? The holiday season, on the other hand, provides a number of really fun (and easy) ways to approach someone and make yourself very approachable.

You can go around wearing a Santa hat and spreading holiday cheer. Another enjoyable activity is to walk your dog while wearing reindeer antlers on its head. At one of my bootcamps, I had the guys play the “naughty or nice” game with the ladies. This entailed them donning Santa hats and carrying stockings filled with candy canes around. They would approach women (and men) and say, “I will give you a candy cane if you tell me whether you’ve been naughty or nice and why.” There are a million fun little ways to meet people using holiday-themed props, and with all the holiday craziness, people often appreciate a little bit of fun.

You Have An Endless Supply Of Fun Activities: One of the main reasons that the holiday season is such a great time to meet someone is that there is so much going on and so many fun things to do. There is a seemingly endless list of fun things to do during the holiday season where you can have a great time. If you are familiar with what I teach, you will know that I am a firm believer that when you do things you enjoy and are genuinely enjoying your life, you will naturally attract people.

Another way to have fun and meet new people is to attend holiday-related events. Examine what’s going on in and around your town. Many stores will stay open late on a Friday night, or towns will hold events such as Christmas Walks on store-lined streets, where all of the stores will hold open-house type events. These kinds of gatherings are great places to meet new people and strike up a conversation. It’s amazing how many people you can engage and have great conversations with simply by wishing them a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays.

The holiday season is also an excellent time to plan a variety of enjoyable activities. These can be excellent places to meet new people. For example, you could host your own “Secret Santa Holiday Party,” inviting single people and asking them to bring a gift for another single person. You could also host a holiday party and ask your guests to bring someone they have never met before. It enables you to begin building your network and allows you to meet a lot more people. Create a different type of theme party. Pick anything that sounds fun to you.

These are some “term insurance policies” that I like to consider around the holidays. They’re simple, straightforward, and effective. During this time of year, everyone is looking to meet someone.

So, this holiday season, try to adopt a new mindset. Instead of dwelling on what you did not have in the previous year, why not be grateful for what you did have and end the year on a high note?

Start interacting with people more, and you might surprise yourself this holiday season. When 5-4-3-2-1 rolls around, you might just be looking into the eyes of that new person you met over the holidays.

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