How to Break Bad Habits


When you are self-aware, you recognize when you are engaging in a bad habit.

I want you to consider your life right now, because this is about you, not me.

Is it possible that I have some bad habits? Absolutely.

And when I catch myself in a bad habit cycle, I get a harsh reality check.

Every morning when we wake up, we try to break our bad habits. Many of us wake up feeling refreshed and upbeat. I’m hoping that today will be the day when we finally kick the bad habits.

We become excited.

What happens next? Bad habits, on the other hand, are difficult to break.

Those of you who are overweight understand how comforting carbs and sugars can be.

Those of you who are unhappy with the way your body looks understand how easy it is to avoid going to the gym.

Many of you are unable to connect on a deeper level with the opposite sex.

And you’re well aware that your bad habits are holding you back.

Bad habits are extremely difficult to break.

They are extremely difficult.

Especially when those habits become deeper and deeper ingrained.

The more you practice the bad habit, the more aware you are of it, and the more you are constantly living the bad habit.

And this is where the real difficulty begins.

You require a dose of reality.

You really need to understand how deeply ingrained this bad habit is in you, and how far you’ve taken it.

The second thing you must do is accept that you will have to make some significant changes.

And you should be aware that the process of breaking this bad habit will be extremely unpleasant. Because you can’t just wake up one morning and say, “Habit be gone!” when you’ve been in a bad habit cycle.

Because you’re at ease with your bad habit.

You’re so accustomed to it that you’re at ease with it.

So, what should you do?

This is where things get tricky, people.

This is what distinguishes winners from losers.

This is what distinguishes those who want it from those who talk about it.

You’ll have to put up with a lot of pain for a long time.

Not just for a single day.

Because there is no quick fix for a bad habit.

You’ll have to really commit to breaking that bad habit, and you’ll have to be uncomfortable for at least two weeks to see any progress.

More realistically, it will take you a month to break free from that bad habit. That means you’ll experience anxiety and stress.

You’ll be aware of it.

You can feel it throughout your entire body as you try to get rid of it.

The more you practice the bad habit, the more aware you are of it, and the more you are constantly living the bad habit.

And this is where the real difficulty begins.

So, how do we break these bad habits?


The first step is to be recognized.

You want to identify the bad habits. You want to look at that bad habit and ask yourself: how long have I been doing this bad habit?

You require a dose of reality.

You need to understand how deeply ingrained this bad habit has been for you, as well as how far you’ve taken it.

The second thing you must do is accept that you will have to make some significant changes.

And you should be aware that the process of breaking this bad habit will be extremely unpleasant. Because you can’t just wake up one morning and say, “Habit be gone!” when you’ve been in a bad habit cycle.

Because you’re at ease with your bad habit.

You’re so accustomed to it that you’re at ease with it.

So, what should you do?

This is where things get tricky, people.

This is what distinguishes winners from losers.

This is what separates people who want it compared to people who talk about it.

You’ll have to put up with a lot of pain for a long time.

Not just for a single day.

Because there is no quick fix for a bad habit.

You’ll have to really commit to breaking that bad habit, and you’ll have to be uncomfortable for at least two weeks to see any progress.

More realistically, it will take you a month to break free from that bad habit. That means you’ll experience anxiety and stress.

You will notice it.

As you try to break the bad habit, you can feel it throughout your entire body.

But the best part is that if you can survive (which you will, believe me), you will survive the anxiety and stress every day. You will begin to distance yourself from that bad habit if you go through that stress and anxiety every day.

However, it will take time, commitment, and persistence.

Because it will not take place overnight.

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