What Is It That Really Turns Men On?

A lot of the time when men talk to women, the woman is interested but also nervous. As a result of what her body language communicates, men are less likely to ask those women out.

Many women will have one foot in one direction and the other foot in another when they are nervous. Even if they’re smiling, their body language communicates to a man that she’s half in and half out, which a man interprets as disinterest.

He won’t be consciously interpreting it. It will happen unconsciously. Regardless, this will be his interpretation.

When you’re interested in a man, you have to stand firm. You must look him in the eyes, face him, and smile. You can’t have one foot in one direction and one shoulder turned off in the other.

Another thing that women do that is completely ineffective is keep their arms folded. Even if they are interested in a guy, they will have their arms folded when you speak to him. This is a defensive, not an open, posture.

What you should do instead is keep your arms open. Either have them by your side or face the guy (or use your hands while talking). When you fold your arms, you’re basically telling a guy that you’re not interested, even if it’s subconsciously.

Eye contact is also very important. You’re telling a guy you’re not interested when you look down at the ground or off in the distance because you’re nervous. Even if you are interested, if you look away from that person, his brain will process that you are looking at someone else and are not interested.

So, once again, eye contact is critical. If you are uncomfortable with constant eye contact, you can meet his gaze, look down, and then return to meet his gaze. Just don’t stare off into the distance; this will always indicate to a guy that you aren’t interested.

Another error that women make when conversing with men is fidgeting. When you fidget with things while talking to someone, he knows you’re nervous. You may be nervous because you like him, but a guy will likely interpret your fidgeting as a sign of boredom.

It’s amazing how much these insignificant details communicate to the opposite sex. Being more aware of your body language in these situations will help you attract more men (and, by extension, get you more dates).

If you want to learn more about what you’re saying to men through your body language, have a friend accompany you on a date and film you. Allow your friend to observe what you’re doing, how you react to things, and how you flirt. Then you can observe not only yourself, but also how men perceive things.

It’s hilarious. A woman once did this and sent me the video. She was flirting with a guy in the video, but she kept looking away because she was scared, nervous, and intimidated by him.

When she sent me the video, she expressed surprise that the guy hadn’t asked her out. When I watched the video, I realised why she turned away and the guy turned around to see who she was looking at.

She was interested in him and thought she was showing him interest. It’s amazing what your body language and eye contact say versus what you say with your voice. Being more aware of this will result in better flirting sessions, better dates, and a better dating life.

Let me ask you a question… Do you want to know where all the marriage-minded men can be found?

I assumed you did… You only need to click here to find out where.

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