What NOT To Do When Dating Online

So, last night, I was browsing OkCupid and reading profiles.

It’s my new favourite pastime.

And I came across a woman in her early twenties living in Denver, Colorado.

She stated the following:

Hello and thank you for taking the time to read my profile. I consider myself to be a kind, loving, and considerate individual with a good, loving heart. I’m simple to get along with. Please be patient as I may be shy at first until I get to know you.

I’m a full-figured woman and a six-year widow.

I may not look like a model, but I’m confident that somewhere out there is a good, honest, loving gentleman with a beautiful heart who will fall in love with me for who I am on the inside as well as how I look on the outside.

I may not be the most beautiful or sexiest person around, nor do I have the perfect body.

I may not be the first option, but I believe I am a good one. I don’t act like someone else because I’m good at being myself. I may not be pleased with some of my actions, but I am pleased with who I am today. Take me as I am, or keep an eye on me as I go.

She continues, writing:

What I’m doing with my life: I’m currently employed in a retail establishment. Aside from that…nothing.

What she wrote is extremely depressing.

She’s also not a bad-looking person.

But why shortchange yourself?

She mentions how nice and sweet she is in one way. However, she is already comparing herself to other women. I’m not pretty, I’m not tall, I’m not that—you don’t do that!

Attraction is a global phenomenon. This woman may not be attractive to me, but another man will.

Because we all like what we like, be beautiful on the inside and out. Because no matter who you are, there is a man out there who will appreciate everything about you.

So avoid putting anything depressing on your online profile.

Don’t underestimate yourself.

What you put out into the world determines your level of attraction. A confident man will bring confidence.

Negativity will only attract a guy who will abuse her, most likely emotionally and sexually, because she appears desperate and weak.

So be genuine and honest while remaining optimistic.

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