What Is the Problem with Online Dating?

Dating is… fill in the blanks

Dating is thrilling.

Dating is a process of introspection.

Dating is a shambles.

Dating has its ups and downs, highs and lows, and everything in between.

However, dating is a necessary evil if you want to meet someone special. It is for this reason that so many of us have turned to online dating. It’s practical. There appear to be an infinite number of options. The best part is that there is no pressure. However, there are some disadvantages to online dating. How many times have you flirted with someone and they never called you back?

How many times have you spent time writing e-mails only to have them not show up for the date?

Every time you set a date, they cancel. They come up with yet another reason. Believe me, I’ve heard them all in my line of work. I’ve heard of sleep deprivation. Colds in children. They had a neck muscle pulled. I’ve heard every excuse imaginable, and the reason is that there is no emotional investment until you meet the person in person.

Even so, you may be flaked on. Consider online dating: It’s just a profile, just words, and it’s just back and forth. There’s no emotional attachment or investment. You’ve never met them. You can’t feel their energy until you’re in the same room as them. It’s difficult to get everyone in the same room these days because everyone is afraid of missing out on a night out. This is the real problem. God forbid you miss an hour and a half of work on a Tuesday. What else are you up to?


Are you going out with your friends again? For the past 25 years, you’ve seen them. Are you watching television? There is a device known as a DVR. Or are you at home, wishing you could meet someone? Giving up another night…

It’s amazing how difficult it is just to get someone on the phone. I recently gave my phone number to someone. She was adamant about it. She called me after two weeks. She was preoccupied. She wasn’t occupied. The simple fact is that she did not make an effort. If you have a phone number, are e-mailing back and forth, and are interested in him, see him as soon as possible.


The sooner you see him, the better it will be. Nothing better is going to arrive in your inbox. However, online dating advertisements attempt to persuade you that the love of your life is just a swipe away. You expect a bigger, better deal to be waiting for you every time you open your inbox. There isn’t one. Go out. Meet for a cup of tea or coffee and a stroll through the park. Take action.


Forget about any other nonsense excuse you can think of. Instead of wasting time, you could have reached out to this individual. Don’t squander your time. You only have a limited supply. Go on a date. I guarantee that your life will change in 90 days. Things are going to change. You’re going to meet someone, and you’re going to be surprised at how full your life can be.

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