Are You Concerned About Online Dating?

What is the number one fear of women when it comes to online dating?

The most common fear among women when it comes to online dating is that the guy will turn out to be a serial killer. Not Captain Crunch or Fruit Loops, either. Then he’d be a gay serial killer, but women are usually scared of any of the “Psycho” spinoffs. What I’m about to reveal is the difference between men and women online, and why we don’t always understand each other.

Are you ready to learn what men fear most about online dating? Are you prepared to see the big reveal?

This is not necessarily 100% of men online, but it is a large majority. Ready?

They are concerned about your weight!

That’s correct. Men are afraid that you don’t look like your profile picture and that you’re overweight. They are also concerned that you are older than you claim and that the worst photo of yourself is what you really look like, not the prettiest.

Isn’t that amusing?

They’re more concerned about those things than they are about you coming over and killing them.

You could slam the door and stab him in the head. He’ll be fine with it as long as you’re tall, leggy, and blonde. But seriously, most guys find online dating so difficult that they’re just relieved to have received a response from you in the first place. They’re so surprised to have received a response that they assume you’re not who you claim to be.

Most guys will fish online for a long time without receiving any responses from women. When they receive a message from you, they begin to suspect you are overweight, in your 80s, or desperate. They almost don’t believe in online dating.

Men have another major apprehension about meeting you online. And this is lethal. They’re terrified you’re a MAN. It’s never happened to me, but so many men get taken advantage of online by other men posing as women. Most of the time, it’s lonely geeks who stay at home all day, teasing men while pretending to be swimwear models!

When it comes to dating, it’s amazing how different the sexes can be. So many men are stabbing in the dark, hoping that one of the women they contact will respond. The last thing they care about is whether you have baggage or are mentally unstable. It’s only when they meet you and realize you’re insane that it becomes a problem.

(Of course, I’m joking!)

So there was a little lesson on the differences in online dating fears between men and women. Women are concerned about being murdered, while men are concerned about being turned on by a shady male geek or a heavyweight pretending to be tiny.

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